Hi, I'm alessandra.
You can call me Ally :)
here to capture...
the everyday, the ordinary, the mundane.
What is a family film? It's the ultimate way to capture your life together as it is, right now.
Every family film is custom fit for yours. There is no posing, no set-ups, it's organic and real. No two are the same, just like no two families' are the same. This isn't slowing down time, but it is capturing your family, today, in order to protect your story.
Preserve these ordinary days with your kids. The Saturday morning ritual, the cuddles, the play time, the love. Ask yourself, what will you miss most about these ages? What memories will they appreciate looking back on some day?
What if you could gift your entire family one of the good old days, something that grows in value with each passing year.
My Philosophy
Family films feel like magic.
Being a parent of two kids, Elijah & Myles, I understand how fleeting time feels once you have kids. My job is to document this time with your family, as you are, right now.
One of my core principles not only as a family filmmaker, but as a human being is to embrace the beauty in diversity among families. I believe in a culture of inclusion & support and I'm eager to serve families from all walks of life as I recognize this as a quality worth celebrating.