Holiday Mini's 24'

Family Film


A modern twist on the ultimate keepsake. Up to 3+ hours of filming, you'll receive a documentary style family film between 3.5-5 minutes long, edited to licensed music.

BONUS: 20+ Documentary style full hi-res images, taken throughout your film session.

Parenthood; Motherhood; Kids; Quality time; Photography

Moving Portrait Film


A film revolved around a single subject, this is my favorite way to capture children at a specific age.

Up to 2 hours of filming, you'll receive a 2.5-3.5 minute film edited to licensed music.

BONUS: 10+ hi res documentary style images!

Photography; Beach; Kids; Love; Film; Portrait

Letter to my Child


1-2 hours of filming, this type of film is between one parent and child.

Final product is a 1.5-2.5 minute film edited to licensed music and accompanied by a parents letter, favorite song, or poem (recorded separately).

BONUS: 10+ hi res photos

Family; Motherhood; Letter to my child; nostalgic; photography; love

Why is a family film so much more than a photography session?

Family films are a unique approach to documenting your family. Videography can be a little more tricky in terms of post- processing; it takes much more time to edit a film than a photography session. It's also less forgiving with what I can fix or change after a session, so it's that much more important that I bring my A-game for a film session! I also pay to license all the music that these films are hand edited to.

My kids don't sit still and my husband HATES when I book photo sessions for our family... help!

This is the best part of what I do! Because of the documentary style nature of the session, it feels more like I'm just hanging out with your family. You can even tell your kids I'm just an old friend. There's no posing, setups, or 'cheese.' I control very little in the session which we go into further when you receive your client prep guide. :)

My cell phone takes great pictures and video, why hire someone to do this for me?

Most importantly, because YOU deserve to get in the frame, too! Yes, we can take selfie's galore (guilty). But there's nothing like seeing the joy with your family through somebody else's eyes! I'll capture the un-posed cuddles, record the inside jokes, and everything in between.

I also hand edit the film start to finish to create your film and help tell your story. I want to show you what you couldn't see before.

I don't own a Pinterest house, I haven't lost the baby weight, and we're super awkward- but I know I'll regret not doing this.

Let me help you navigate this.. ME EITHER.


We'll work together at your consultation call before your session and figure it out together.

We can stick to just 1 or two rooms in your home, do part of your session outdoors, and avoid any areas in your home that you specifically wish to exclude. We'll also talk about clothing that you'll be most comfortable in that also photographs well. I can be the queen of awkward moments (but actually) but by the time your session comes we'll be more comfortable with each other. I've yet to film a family that I didn't end up having a BLAST with. The most important thing about these films is that you be your authentic selves.